First Contact Bundle
First Contact Suit – Built for long term space exposure with thick armour
Negotiator Weapon – Tesla powered "instrument" for organic tissue dismemberment
Witness The Truth Bundle
Witness Suit – An insulated suit to help you explore Tau Volantis' harsh terrain
Evangelizer Weapon – Heavy duty assault rifle and shotgun combination
A tense new story delving into the secrets of the Necromorphs – and the Markers
Face a hostile new environment on a planet of ice
Team up against the Necromorph threat with series-first co-op option
Upgrade your weapons with the new Weapons Bench system
Dead Space 3 delves further into the secrets of the Necromorphs and the mysterious Unitologists, as you follow Isaac Clarke on his mission to save humanity from the reanimated, mutated threat. Clarke's quest to discover the source of the Necromorph outbreak takes you to Tau Volantis, a key location in the backstory of the Markers, the mysterious monoliths worshipped by the Unitologists, and which may hold the key to mankind's victory.
Tau Volantis offers a hostile new environment for Dead Space, replacing the series' traditional black of space with the harsh white snowstorms of this ice planet. As you travel through the frozen wastes you'll need to overcome everything this environment – and it's many side-missions – throws at you, from abandoned encampments and underworld cities, to treacherous ice-climbs and the ever-ominous threat of an avalanche.