For all users demanding precision, feel and functionality this is the mouse pad that delivers. QPAD CT´s unique Hybratek coating gives you a perfect mix between soft cloth and hard top mouse pads. The hybrid surface gives you a unique smooth feeling with controlled glide and a optimal level of friction. Whether you are a hardcore gamer or work in other highly demanding environments such as graphic design or large spreadsheets, you'll thrill to the task.
- Modell: QPAD CT BF4 L.E. Pro Gaming Mouse pad with Hybratek coating.
- Size: Large 40.5 x 28.5cm
- Thickness: 4mm
- Design: Battlefield 4
- Surface: Hybratek coated cloth surface.
- Base: Anti-slip cross weave natural rubber
- Other: Including transport tube and QPAD Glidz
- Package size: 315 x 60 mm tube
- Gross Weight: 270gr